The daily split times  include teams who changed course on Sunday. These teams are not included in the Overall results as they were thereby non-competitive.

Winners of Elite class Shane Lynch & Marcus Pinker 09:22:42

Winners of B class Conor Short & Kevin O’Boyle 07:04:09

Winners of C class Ivan Millar & James Millar 06:52:03

Winners of D class Conor McSwiggan & David Hicks 08:04:55

Routegadget ( lvo.routegadget.co.uk ) will show your course animated using average time for each straight leg but you can over plot this by drawing in your actual route to each control. If you have a GPS file form your watch you can upload this for the ultimate post-event-navigational-angst-fest.

N.B. for E,B,C courses with clusters, RG can’t work out what you did until you plot your course. D courses should work just with just our result
