The Mourne Mountain Marathon takes place in September every year. The 2024 date is 21st – 22nd September and the event centre is Attical GAA Club.

DAY ONE (Saturday)

07:30 to 10:20 – Registration open.  Please allow 60min for registration, kit check and bus transfer (if applicable).

08:30 to 10:30 – Start times. (09:30 for Score teams).

15:00 onwards Teams start to arrive at the overnight campsite.

DAY TWO (Sunday)

07:00  Reveille 

08:00  08:45  – Start window for all classes. 4 teams per minute

15:00 – Prize giving at event centre 

15:30 – Shuttle bus to Belfast (pre-book seats)

16:00 – All courses close 

Courses are planned using the Harvey Mourne Mountains map 1:25000 scale. Every competitor is advised to be in possession of this map which is available from Harvey Maps and most good outdoor pursuits shops and online stores.

MSR Isopro Gas for stoves will be available on the Saturday morning at the event centre. You need to pre-order your gas canisters in advance by emailing . Payment of £5 per gas canister (110g) will be taken in CASH ONLY, when you pick up your order. We have limited stock so only one canister per team.

A bit of advice for newcomers to the sport – keep your rucksack as light as possible.!!

All equipment must be carried by the team throughout the event. Any dumping will be penalised by disqualification and possible barring from future events. Finishers will be gear-checked at random. 

A route card is given out at the start, listing a number of control markers, identified by a 6-figure map reference. Competitors must visit each control marker which are clearly indicated on the ground with an orange and white orienteering kite.  

One competitor per team will be issued with a SPORTident timing chip – called an SI Card or “dibber”.  See here for more info on this system.

Not all checkpoints are marshalled, and competitors must prove they have visited the correct checkpoint location by ‘dibbing’ their SI Card into the box attached to the control marker.

The Overnight Campsite location is only revealed to you when you receive your route card at the start on Saturday morning. Facilities are basic as teams are required to continue to be self-sufficient. However, running water (often from a stream), portaloos and bins (see dumping rule) are provided. The campsite is off-limits to visitors. 

Self-sufficiency extends to sourcing water – enroute (definitely) and at the overnight campsite (likely) water will be from streams. As with many open sources of water there is a risk of pathogens such as cryptosporidium and we recommend that competitors boil or purify all water before drinking – IF competitors choose not to treat water this is entirely at their own risk. 

The finish on Day 2 is at the event centre. A range of sandwiches, biscuits and drinks are provided as well as the much coveted MMM T-shirts.

The registration process and rules are the same although the kit list is slightly reduced:

  • Mass Start – This year the Score teams will all start at the same time – 09:30
  • Map Mark Up – At the start line you will be issued with a Control Description sheet similar to the other courses but with many more controls and no prescribed route. You will also be given an A4 size map in waterproof paper with the controls and score points marked on it. This map is low quality and not to scale and is intended as an aid to route planning when used in conjunction with your full sized 1:25000 map. 
  • Out on the Hills – You will have 6 hours to collect as many controls as you can in whatever order you like. The usual rules apply.
  • Penalty Points – You will lose up to 10 points from your score for every minute you overrun the 6hr limit.
  • Kit bags – With food and dry clothes will be transported for you to the Finish (overnight campsite). Every care will be taken to keep them secure but bags and contents are left at your own risk.
  • At the finish – Light  refreshments will be provided at the end of the course. We hope you will stay around for a while and share experiences with the 2 day teams who will have had similar navigational and route choice challenges. Our shuttle bus will take teams back to the Event Centre from 15:30 onwards 

Book your place on the Mourne Mountain Marathon today!