The Secret Poet Behind the MMM

Jim Brown - Poems Form A Showbox

Here’s something we bet you didn’t know – our very own Race Director, Jim Brown is a secret poet!

During the COVID-19 lockdown, he stumbled upon a treasure trove of poems he had written in the past, tucked away under a bed. Inspired by this discovery, he decided to launch a new website, Poems from a Shoebox, where he shares these hidden gems with the world.

Featured Poem: Road to the Mournes

One poem that stands out and may particularly resonate with our community is called “Road to the Mournes.” This piece captures the essence and beauty of the Mourne Mountains, offering a poetic journey that echoes the experiences of many who have participated in the marathon.

Have a read of it and and immerse yourself in the vivid imagery that our Race Director has so eloquently crafted. You can find it here.

All For A Great Cause

Beyond sharing his poetry, Jim is using this platform to raise money for charity. All donations received through his website are greatly appreciated and will go towards supporting important causes.

So far, he has raised over £1000 for Marie Curie, a charity close to many hearts.

Currently, he is supporting the British Dyslexia Association, an organisation dedicated to helping those who, like him, have struggled with dyslexia. This cause is deeply personal, and your support can make a significant difference in reaching his fundraising target.

How You Can Help

Visit the Poems from a Shoebox website to read and watch (he has a YouTube channel) his collection of poems, make a donation and support these wonderful charities. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps in making a positive impact.

Thank you for your generosity and support!