Ricky Cole

Ricky Cole

It is with sadness that we have learnt about the death of Ricky Cole after a short illness. Ricky was the Mourne  Mountain Marathon’s course planner in the early years, back in the 1980s when Denis Rankin took over the running of the event.

Ricky would have been better known as a rock climber, indeed he was one of the leading lights in the seventies and eighties when he and a number of others set new standards and explored new areas throughout Ireland.

Ricky Cole & Denis Rankin

When Denis took on the Mountain Marathon organisation he rounded up a group of his mountain enthusiastic friends and they set about making the event into one of the best in the British Isles.

Ricky was the course planner for a number of years and later helped marshal many of the events well into the 2000’s. One of Ricky’s courses famously turned out to be just a gigantic circuit of the Mournes which he probably thought was a great joke. He had a wicked sense of humour!

We pass on our condolences to his family circle at this sad time.

MMM Committee.